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May 30, 2009

Cyberwar mobilization and the control for Internet

The Cyberwar chapter (reassuringly renamed Securing Our Digital Future Cyber Space Policy Review) is starting and in a hurry.

The Obama administration is pushing for a rapid review of cyber space monitoring procedure and pushing for the appointment of a Cyber Czar.

How this will impact the privacy and information freedom is not yet clear but again we are seeing the ghost of cyber terrorism being used to validate more and more Big Brother measures.

Obama’s plan and its repercussions will be clearer in the following 2 months  in the meanwhile if interested to the still vague guidelines and principle policies that will shape Internet in the following months you may want to read this:

May 21, 2009

The collapse of oil standard

The economy today is based on oil, oil revenues flood the markets and represents the backbone and blood of the global economy; oil supplies provide fuel to to the global production engine.
When the amount of reserves and barrels of oil start decreasing due to peak oil the confidence in the future of the market and the flood of petrodollars supporting it disappears quickly.
This event has an historical precedent with gold in the 20th Century.
A century ago almost all the world’s currencies were linked to gold and most of the rest to silver. Currencies were readily interchangeable, gold anchored exchange rates and the physical supply of gold stabilized the money supply over the long term.
The gold standard collapsed in the wake of World War I. Wartime financing with un-backed paper currency led to widespread inflation. European nations tried to resume the gold standard in the 1920s, but the gold supply was insufficient and inelastic. A ferocious monetary squeeze and competition across countries for limited gold reserves followed and contributed to the Great Depression. After World War II, nations adopted the dollar-exchange standard. The U.S. dollar was backed by gold at $35 per ounce, while the rest of the world’s currencies were backed by dollars. The global money stock could expand through dollar reserves.
President Richard Nixon de-linked the dollar from gold in 1971 (to offset the U.S.’s expansionary monetary policies in the Vietnam era), and major currencies began to float against one another in value. But most global trade and financial transactions remained dollar-denominated, as did most foreign exchange reserves held by the world’s central banks. The exchange rates of many currencies also remained tightly tied to the dollar. The rest is history.
Today we are going on the same road, this time not gold but oil will be the final prize for competing countries try to make a living with the last available resources.

May 17, 2009

Anonima Sondaggi

Leggendo la stampa italiana durante l'ultima settimana colpisce l'attenzione prestata da tutti ai sondaggi sulla popolarità di Berlusconi.
Tutti erano ansiosi di vedere se il disastro combinato da Papi e Noemi avrebbe pesato sulla sua "reputazione" politica e sulle imminenti elezioni europee.
Immediatamente dopo la figuraccia la macchina propagandistica del PDL ha sfornato subito dei sondaggi che supportavano la non scalfita ammirazione degli italiani per il nostro Papi.
Peccato che quasi mai appaia il nome della agenzia che ha realizzato i sondaggi.
Non che gli italiani si sorprendano di questo abituati come sono ad una informazione presappochista e manipolata, più pettegolezzo ed insinuazioni che fatti e contraddittori.
Un giornale serio dovrebbe pubblicare come minimo il nome dell'agenzia, affinche tutti possano controllare a chi appartiene e se sia obiettiva.
Sarebbe chiedere troppo di pubblicare in pdf come fanno alcuni giornali all'estero copia del rapporto o informazione e sito web della agenzia in questione, tuttavia il nome sarebbe già un passo avanti in un paese in cui i sondaggi vengono svolti dagli amici dei politici.
Infatti gli ultimi sondaggi citati da Papi sono stati svolti dalla Euromedia Research che è il settore operativo di Ghial Media Srl. Ghial è l'acronimo di Ghisleri Alessandra, la scienziata che curava la strategia di Papi Berlusconi.
Quando si vuole cercare informazioni sulla reputazione di questa agenzia basta visitare il favoloso sito web: si arriva ad una pagina che propone un attraente animazione web e l'indirizzo della società. Niente altro solo l'indirizzo e basta, niente informazione su chi fa i sondaggi, sulla storia della azienda, sulle metodologie impiegate, sui criteri di ricerca ed intervista. Niente di niente. Le agenzie di sondaggi in tutto il mondo lavorano per crearsi una reputazione, pubblicano tutto per mostrare che sono trasparenti e di conseguenza affidabili quando si tratta di intraprendere una analisi obiettiva ed essere quindi ingaggiate, in Italia invece basta essere amici di Papi.
Questi sondaggi sono stati ripresi da tutte le testate ed agenzie giornalistiche italiane. La maggior parte delle testate non ha menzionato la fonte, quelle invece piu' audaci hanno menzionato il nome della agenzia senza aggiungere altro.
Ora mi chiedo io, questa situazione sarebbe politicamente un'arma preziosa per l'opposizione; smascherare la manipolazione non solo mediatica ma anche statistica della realtà in Italia. Perchè non lo raccontano, perchè nessuno dice niente?
Forse perchè sono tutti peccatori quando si tratta di verità ed obiettività.

May 15, 2009


Guardiamo la qualita' dell'informazione in Italia con il seguente articolo pubblicato su Repubblica ed intitolato: Arriva "la rivoluzione Brunetta" Ddl approvato da Consiglio ministri

A giudicare dal titolo e come confermato da Berlusconi dovrebbe essere una vera e propria rivoluzione, ed infatti si vede quanto spazio viene dedicato a descrivere questo evento epocale nella storia italiana:

Tra i tanti cambiamenti previsti, i diversi meccanismi di retribuzione basati sulla premialità: "Solo il 25% dei dipendenti pubblici, e il sindacato è d'accordo, avrà a disposizione il 50% di tutte le risorse destinate alla premialità. - ha anticipato il ministro - Non è stato fatto mai neanche nel privato se non per qualche iniziativa singola".

Il giornalista ha fatto bene a menzionare in anticipo che il sindacato e' d'accordo con questa rivoluzione copernicana della pubblica amministrazione, se il sindacato e' d'accordo ci possiamo fidare ed evitare di leggere il resto o indagare ulteriormente su che casino stanno combinando.
Peccato che il lettore italiano normale non capira' per niente che succede visto che i giornali italiani hanno la pessima abitudine di iniziare con i distinguo, commenti, storielle varie per poi mettere la notizia vera alla fine, ossia quando un lettore normale si stanca e smette di leggere (triste ma vero).
In piu' quando descrive il contenuto di questa rivoluzione lo fa in termini esistenzialisti limitandosi ad una riga per giunta confusa. Speriamo che quando si saranno ripresi dallo sforzo di scrivere possano completare l'articolo elencando ' i tanti cambiamenti previsti'

Social spending and inequality

Here some interesting trends in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s latest “Society at a Glance Report.”
Check this very interesting chart:

Here’s how to read this chart. The horizontal axis shows public social spending as a percent of net national income. The vertical axis shows the Gini coefficient, which is a measure of income inequality. A low Gini coefficient means a country has more equal income distribution, while a high Gini coefficient shows more unequal distribution.
The interesting part about Italy is the amount of social spending and the results in terms of social improvement this spending brings to the people.
We are the only major industrial country with a very high social and income inequality.
Despite spending almost 30% of our national net income the results are discomforting. The only developed country faring worst is United States which is spending only 18%, almost half of Italy spending and with slightly worst results. Everyone else regardless of the spending is faring astronomically better than Italy.
This is telling us something about how the spending is done in Italy. Spending is not finalized to real social improvement but it becomes capital flushed in the public sector with little or none oversight which is routinely looted by corrupt officials and politicians and distributed to their cronies, affiliates and families. This capital which should be targeting the reduction of inequalities is becoming in first instance the source and engine of the growing inequality gap.
It would be nice at least once to see the Italian media reporting these news in order to start a debate on what kind of society is Italy devolving into.
Unfortunately there is little hope of this in a country whose media are muzzled and tamed by the Prime Minister and the people is either band-wagoning on the looting parade or silently living in denial and apathy.

May 14, 2009

Globale warming does not exist in Italy !

The Italian Senate has erased the issue of global warming from the political agenda following a request of our most talented scientific minds: Marcello Dell’Utri, Domenico Nania e Adriana Poli Bortone (all members of the PDL governing Party).
Following their indications is now denying any human responsibility for the climate change occurring.
The document was signed by 34 senators of the majority party PDL and asked also to intervene urgently with the European Parliament and the G8 to rectify this misunderstanding of the scientists from all over the world in believing that global warming if unchecked will produce disasters soon.
According to this great scientific minds of the Italian Parliament we can go on polluting, ransacking and destroying as usual since there is no proof that humans are causing damage to the environment.
It would be interesting to know how much these potheads have been paid by Eni and other energy companies to support this madness.
For sure it will be a good laugh to see the government explaining to the EU these solid scientific conclusions.
Another proof that Italy is slowly drifiting into complete denial, isolation and devolution.

IMF Rescue Plan exacerbating the Crisis !

Turkey and Latvia were in the news last week, having joined the list of governments whose IMF disbursements are being withheld because they find it politically impossible to impose the required punishments on their citizens.The IMF sees these measures as necessary and pre-determined – in most cases by the borrowing countries' having run-up unsustainable external or budget imbalances. But in fact the IMF has a long track record – dating back decades – of imposing unnecessary and often harmful conditions on borrowing countries.Latvia missed a 200 million euro disbursement from the IMF in March for not cutting its budget enough. According to press reports, the government wants to run a budget deficit of 7% of GDP for this year, and the IMF wants 5%. Latvia is already cutting its budget by 40%, and is planning to close some public hospitals and schools in order to make the IMF's targets, prompting street protests.
Latvia's GDP crashed by 18% in the first quarter of this year, after a 10.3% drop in the preceding quarter. These are among the worst declines in the world. This indicates that the IMF's prescription is serious overkill. The purpose of IMF aid is supposedly to make any necessary adjustment easier, not worse.
Pakistan is facing serious political problems right now, having recently launched a major offensive against a growing Taliban insurgency. Slowing Pakistan's economy at a time when the global economic crisis is already doing that may not be the best policy from the point of view of political stability. The IMF has negotiated an increase in Pakistan's fiscal deficit from 3.4% to 4.6% of GDP, but is holding the line against lowering interest rates.
In almost all of its standby arrangements negotiated over the last year, the IMF has included conditions that will reduce output and employment in situations where economies are already shrinking.

May 10, 2009

FIAT show!

The recent Fiat shopping spree is raising few questions on what is going on with corporations around the world:

1) where Fiat is getting the money to merge with Chrysler and get control of Opel, Saab, GM Europe and Latin America?
Just few months ago Fiat was in so big troubles that the Italian government had to create a new auto plan to stop plumbing profits. A new incentive plan was hastily devised just for FIAT after Marchionne made clear that the group was risking not surviving the year and threatened massive lay-offs. Few months after FIAT was supposedly still in trouble but was seeing some green shoots with the Chrysler joint-venture. Few weeks more and today FIAT wants to become the second largest auto corporation of the world.

2) Is the Italian government involved?

Marchionne declared at the beginning of the year that he was seeing by 2010 only a handful of auto companies surviving and that FIAT needed to grow big fast to survive the collapse of the auto industry. Undoubtedly he is taking advantage of the situation created by the collapse of GM and Chrysler to scavenge companies for a bargain price.
Still is hard to believe that a company that was in dire finances just few months ago can pull out such a plan without any financial backing of a strong partner. Is the Italian government providing financial support with taxpayer money to the expansionist dreams of Marchionne? I think so!

3) Why Marchionne is so anxious to close the deal so fast? Is he aware of what is coming?

Marchionne is pushing for a deal in matter of days. For sure the fact that GM has a deadline till the 1st of June to return profitable or go bankrupt has something to do with his eagerness to grab as much as possible now at bargain price and easily rather than later when GM will be under bankruptcy protection and red tape and political litigation will make the task more burdensome. It is not clear yet if the bankruptcy protection for GM will be chapter 7 or 11 so either will be shut down completely or will be downsized, nationalized but still operating at minimum capacity. Still beside this the urgency of Marchionne and the rapidity of the events is something unprecedented and it smells horribly.

May 9, 2009

Bankruptcy Outsourcing!

A disturbing trend in a global economy is the bankruptcy outsourcing we are starting to witness in the world.

Global companies are taking bail-outs from different countries and in some cases from more than one at the same time. Bail-outs are becoming for some companies a new form of revenue. GM for example has been bailed-out from the Canadian government after scaremongering plant closures in Ontario. Unicredit the Italian bank which has invested and lent heavily in Eastern Europe has been supported by the Polish and Austrian government. Greek banks have asked contributions to Eastern European countries to leave their capitals in the country and after some weeks moved back to Athens a big bulk of their assets.

Wherever corporations have employment and financial leverage with the local government a bail-out request is being put forward. It is not always a request for money but also a request for favours and deregulation, economic crisis is allowing companies to obtain advantages that until 1 year ago were considered serious infringements. Eastern European governments not notoriously rigid in their supervision are in this period closing not one but both eyes. Companies are threatening that if ad hoc measures are not undertaken their financial situation could be deteriorating and they would be left with no choice than moving their assets and capitals to different location.
Taxpayers are effectively paying a bribe to corporations for the luxury of keeping inefficient, corrupt and broke companies in their backyard. If a company is broke should be allowed to fail, we are delaying the inevitable buying some time with our savings.

Though the interesting scenario especially in Europe will be to assist to the collapse of one of those corporations, which country will take the paternity of a fiasco and will make its citizen pay for this? how fast and how seriously the economical infection will spread to other involved countries?

Unfortunately we have a monetary union in Europe but we do not have yet a single reference for crisis like this, ECB cannot and will not cover the losses leaving to local central banks such issues. The Iceland-England quarrel on the lost assets of UK councils who invested in the failed Icelandic banks teaches us a lesson on how this issue can bring to a fracture or collapse of the European cooperation. If countries will start to freeze each other investments and assets to cover the losses we will have a Great Depression 2.0 in a matter of weeks.

May 7, 2009

Population and Peak Oil: where is the debate!

These days certainly we do have an abundance of gloom and doom subjects: the latest in the hit parade, swine flu is joining global warming and recession/depression at the forefront of media discussion.
It remains to understand though why the two key actors Population and Peak Oil are hardly discussed.
Population and Peak Oil are the source of every imbalance we are witnessing today; Global Warming, Water and Food depletion, Wars, Economical Crisis, pandemic etc. etc. are all consequences of these two strongly interlaced factors.
It is true that recently Peak Oil has started to be acknowledged by the oil experts and oil corporations that until 1 year ago were strongly calling everyone proposing the theory a lunatic.
Total, Aramco and others have finally acknowledged the fact that peak oil is here and that we probably peaked in 2005.
The excellent work of Matthew Simmons and Colin Campbell at explaining this potentially catastrophic issue is finally being considered more broadly by the establishment even though a large scale acknowledgment and discussion is still missing.
Population on the opposite is still widely ignored or diminished of magnitude, being the most delicate of the issues is being addressed with soft tones and occasional innuendos that are preventing any serious and drastic remedy. It is quite sad considering that population was a serious discussion in the 60s and 70s when the Club of Rome issued the famous report: The Limits to Growth.
Since then the issue has not been revisited anymore and has fallen in the sands of oblivion.
If the economy and corporations need always more and more clients to increase their revenue; growth in all its form cannot be bad! Right!
Well it is wrong actually! Unlimited and undisciplined growth in a world with finite resources is a monstrosity and a disaster being manufactured. We have had an explosion of population in the last 100 years due to the abundant and cheap oil.
Abundant and cheap oil allowed for the Green revolution which increased 10 fold the food output, allowed for transportation, manufacturing and energy to be readily available for a growing number of people, but now we are at a turning point in human history, oil is no longer abundant and cheap anymore. An oil shock according to many experts is only months away and a gas and food and water shock could follow in various parts of the world in the following years.
Controlling the world's population explosion is now more than ever essential to avoid an armageddon scenario unfolding in the following years.

The obstacles to control the population are first of all moral and political. Democracy and human rights by themselves are blocking any attempt to tackle this enormous problem, a new rethinking of what is a a sustainable democracy and what are human rights is longely due.

Human rights were proclaimed in a very different world from the one we are entering into now.
Western civilization was controlling the entire planet and consuming 90% of the resources.
Today hugely populated countries as China and India have entered the game as superpowers and they joined the party when only scraps have been left on the table.
If the population of China would live according to European standards we would need the resources, food and water of an extra 6 planets.
They will have to compete with the rest of us for those last scraps.

Democracy will not survive when the first signs of resource and social stress will show up and human life in the following years will become much cheaper.
Two paths are available either we continue on this road and then we will face resource wars, disasters and pandemics unleashing each year; or we accept that current population levels are unsustainable that our ant community has grown too big and too fast and that we need to rebalance the population level even with draconian measures. Ignoring the reality or being indolent in addressing it will only increase the price we will have to pay in terms of lives and social collapse when nature will take care of it soon!

Some scary things are happening right now and I will report them in following posts! Be tuned!

May 6, 2009

Credible Energy Policy

Credible Energy Policy sets out why current energy policy is no longer fit for purpose, and provides a comprehensive overview of what is now required to address our ambitious climate change objectives, whilst maintaining security of supply.

Professor Helm examines the precarious position of our global gas supplies and draw out the implications for Britain in strategic gas storage, generation capacity and networks. It will also propose how government should set the overarching energy policy framework and explain why existing energy policy institutions need reform, and in particularly why Ofgem should be rolled up into an integrated single energy agency, charged with delivery.

READ IT: Credible Energy Policy (Pdf)

May 5, 2009

Monopolies, Corporations and the Italian Malaise

"American regulators are examining the close links between Apple and Google, reports the New York Times. It's no secret that Apple and Google share two board members: Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive, and Arthur Levinson (formerly of Genentech), but the rules on whether such ties promote anti-competitive behaviour are now being looked into."

Corporations on the rise!

It is encouraging to notice that someone is still concerned about competition, trusts and monopolies.
Since the crisis started we have been witnessing corporations merging, buying and consolidating as they wish will little or no oversight. All this has been justified in the context of the economical crisis and supporting the faulty logic that if they do not grow gigantic they will not survive this crisis.
There will be a new anti-trust regulation when and if the crisis will end to prevent a handful of companies to control an entire sector of the economy? The answer will be most certainly NO! Since by then they will be too big to be split and too big to be controlled by any authority or government. Phase II of the corporation evolution has started in September 2008 and although at the moment we see them as victims of this crisis It will not take long to see clearly that they are a dangerous concentration of power and wealth.

The Italian Malaise

If USA poses itself the dilemma of competition and monopolies, in Italy there is no discussion on these issues at all. Italy has more problems with unfair competition and monopolies than US.
A peculiar distortion of the Italian market is the possibility for a member of the board or a CEO to serve simultaneously in different companies. Some of them even serving at the same time in competing companies. Any other country would see this as a disaster for the company since the chances for inside trading, competition manipulation and corruption are endless. Not a problem in Italy since most of the members are chosen or imposed politically and on the basis of the leverage they can bring to the company. Ethical considerations are still non-existent in Italian companies. The stock exchange in Milan is one big happy family manipulating balances and defrauding.
Parmalat crack brought to the attention of the world the incredible corruption and manipulations of the Italian financial market but still this is the tip of the iceberg.
The system is practically rotten, overburdened with debt and the only reason it is still surviving is due to the fact the Italy is a paradise for crooks, balance frauds and book cooking are no longer prosecuted and it is a common practice. The Italian financial system is all image with no substance, this economical crisis will bring more and more cracks on the facade of this house of cards.

May 4, 2009

Italy's Heritage

Few years ago a UNESCO report was proudly announced in Italy as a further proof of the cultural and artistic leadership of the country, according to UNESCO almost half of the entire world's artistic and cultural heritage was in Italy, a concentration of art, archeological sites, museums, landmark buildings that has no comparison abroad.
If properly managed the Italian heritage could be a gold mine for the battered Italian economy.
Italian government has decided to act on the state of mismanagement and decay affecting the country's heritage appointing Mario Resca former boss of McDonald’s in Italy in charge of 3,600-odd government-run museums and archaeological sites.
Mario Resca is at the same time in the Board of the Mondadori Group and Eni Spa.
He declared that he wants to start with a marketing, revenue generating promotion of our heritage.
Italy’s heritage is badly managed. Some of its museums are unwelcoming places with poor facilities. The most popular, the Uffizi in Florence, came only 21st in a 2007 World Ranking with just 1.6m visits and the 2008 ranking is even worst with only the Vatican Museum (not managed by the Italian Government) making among the top world museums (see table above) . Yet attractions that are more popular are not necessarily well conserved. The ruins of Pompeii drew 2.6m visitors in 2007, but such is the dilapidation at the site that the government has declared a state of emergency.
Civil Protection (the equivalent of FEMA in USA) had to intervene to simply manage the site and even more incredible was its intervention in the restoration process of a statue in Florence.
Since the government and local authorities are unable to manage on a normal basis any public service due to red tape, bribery and sloppiness the only solution for prompt and deadlined interventions is to declare it by decree a national emergency, then Civil Protection can intervene, use the emergency funds and solve the mess in a certain and short time.

May 3, 2009

Fascism in Italy

Freedom house has again downgraded the rating of Italy with the following justification:

The region (Europe) registered one status downgrade in 2008, as Italy slipped back into the Partly Free range thanks to the increased use of courts and libel laws to limit free speech, heightened physical and extralegal intimidation by both organized crime and far-right groups, and concerns over media ownership and influence. The return of media magnate Silvio Berlusconi to the premiership reawakened fears about the concentration of state-owned and private outlets under a single leader.

Politicians did not even bother to comment to the embarrassing downgrade. What do they care if the image of the country is tarnished abroad, they are too busy corrupting and plundering the country. We are now enviably located between Benin and Tonga, the only European country to be partly free, good job Italy! Few years more and we can proudly accomplish the return of totalitarism in the country.

Full report and map is available HERE

May 2, 2009

Il paese dei magnaccia!

Qualora si avesse ancora bisogno di conferme sullo stato di degenerazione in cui versa l'Italia basta leggere questo articolo di Repubblica :
La descrizione fatta dal giornalista sugli eventi delle veline candidate lascia a bocca aperta chi come me vive all'estero da anni ed è abituato ad una politica seria, una politica di professionisti che servono il paese.
Una cosa del genere in qualsiasi altro paese occidentale porterebbe alle immediate dimissioni del responsabile ed alla indignazione popolare. In Italia invece la gente non si indigna, ci ride sopra e continua a lasciare il paese crollare nella completa degenerazione delle istituzioni, dei valori e della vita democratica. Una delle veline candidate dal nostro Primo Clown (Berlusconi) dichiara il seguente:

....Per ricevere le pacche sulle spalle da La Russa: "Signorina l'abbiamo appena candidata, mi lasci anche il numero di telefono, se ha bisogno per la campagna elettorale mi faccia uno squillo che io sono sempre disposto a dare consigli..." E la Matera, poi (unica sopravvissuta della categoria, ndr), al corso è stata sempre zitta, mentre io facevo le domande a Frattini. Ora risulterà solo che ero nel corso delle ex veline candidate da Berlusconi. Figura pessima".

Il ministro La Russa sale immediatamente alla mente con i suoi occhi strabici ed il suo sorriso da maniaco pronto ad aiutare sempre ed a qualsiasi ora l'aspirante parlamentare europea, una scena da vomito che sicuramente ben pochi in Italia vedranno in questo modo.
La maggior parte degli Italiani al contrario sorriderà divertita alle avancè del ministro La Russa è vedendo la foto della velina lo invidierà per la sua posizione che gli permette di poter ambire a tale trofeo. Sicuramente non arriverà mai alla mente dell'italiano medio berlusconizzato che queste forme di vile utilizzo della propria posizione istituzionale và contro la dignità ed il decoro che un servitore dello stato dovrebbe mostrare in qualunque momento, si tratta di abuso d'ufficio; in altri paesi anche solo il sospetto di tali abusi porterebbe alle dimissioni immediate.
Ma del resto ormai la dignità nella politica italiana non si vede più dagli anni 70.
La povera velina non si indigna per queste frasi chiaramente ambigue ma al pari di una bambina delle elementari si lamenta del fatto che in classe lei faceva domande e portava attenzione alle lezioni mentre l'unica debuttante confermata no. Roba da far restare ammutoliti!
Ma quale corso stavano frequentando le nostre aspiranti oche giulive?

Le più ambiziose, candidatura in tasca, avevano frequentato la quattro giorni di via dell'Umiltà, prof d'eccezione i ministri Frattini e Brunetta. Stile corso rapido di recupero, 4 mesi in quattro giorni.

Due ministri che davano lezioni di politica in quattro giorni a delle veline? Ossia che queste oche sarebbero state pronte a fare gli interessi del paese in Europa con un corso di 4 giorni tra un pacca ed una avance dei ministri?
Uno pensa che le famiglie di queste sciagurate siano distrutte dalla notizia che le loro figlie vengano traviate e mercanteggiate da vecchi viscidi che utilizzano la loro posizione per fini tan bassi! Invece no, al contrario, addirittura sentite che ha fatto il padre di una di queste per cercare di farle restare nelle liste:

Ad un'altra giovane napoletana, Emanuela Romano, non ha giovato neanche il gesto estremo del padre, che ha provato a darsi fuoco davanti Palazzo Grazioli.

In un paese normale una cosa del genere non succederebbe mai e se succedesse lo si farebbe in segreto per evitare l'indignazione pubblica e il licenziamento per abuso d'ufficio. Il fatto che non solo lo abbiano fatto alla luce del sole con tanto di copertura dei media e che nessuno critichi o dica qualcosa di questi comportamenti la dice lunga sul declino e la degenerazione italiana. Siamo diventati un paese di vecchi magnaccia e di prostitute, un paese di sfruttatori e di sfruttati, un paese senza più valori. Ormai il doversi prostituire per tirare avanti che sia fisicamente o moralmente e piscologicamente ha raggiunto livelli endemici tali che nessuno si stupisce più di queste notizie. Tutti sanno, tutti fanno gli estranei e tutti sono pronti a farlo qualora capiti l'occasione, il tessuto morale del paese si è disintegrato sotto i nostri occhi e non resta altro che una mente svuotata da valori distorti e corrotti. Che Dio salvi l'Italia se ce la fa!

May 1, 2009

Phase 6 Pandemic is already here!

Dr. Marcus Gitterle, an emergency medicine physician based out of New Braunfels, Texas, sent out an internal alert which contains several stunning claims about swine flu that, if true, officials have presumably sought to keep from the public.
"What we are hearing privately from the CDC and Health Department is different from what you are hearing in the media,” writes Gitterle.
The doctor claims that the actual number of confirmed cases of swine flu is 10 to 25 times worse than has been reported, and that people are not recovering easily, as has been claimed, but that many Americans are in fact seriously ill.
“The way they fudge on reporting this is that it takes 3 days to get the confirmatory nod from the CDC on a given viral culture, but based on epidemiological grounds, we know that there are more than 10 cases for each “confirmed” case right now,” claims Gitterle.
The doctor states that the severity of the situation has already crossed the threshold of the definition of a WHO phase 6 pandemic. “This has not happened in any of our lifetimes so far. We are in uncharted territory,” he writes.
Gitterle claims that President Obama is being advised to declare a national emergency and that this could happen within the next 48 hours.
“Since it is such a novel (new) virus, there is no “herd immunity,” so the “attack rate” is very high. This is the percentage of people who come down with a virus if exposed. Almost everyone who is exposed to this virus will become infected, though not all will be symptomatic. That is much higher than seasonal flu, which averages 10-15%. The “clinical attack rate” estimation from CDC and WHO may be around 40-50%. This is the number of people who show symptoms. This is a huge number. It is hard to convey the seriousness of this to those outside of the medical fields,” he writes.
Please read the full e-mail:

Dr. Marcus Gitterle e-mail Page 1
Dr. Marcus Gitterle e-mail Page 2